Monterey Traveling Notary

Meet Monterey's Traveling Notary

We’ve been to just about every area locally, Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula to the Jail in Salinas.  We’ve notarized in Pacific Grove parks, and Carmel Cafes. We’ve even notarize at a Seaside Starbucks.

Background Checks

We've had to go through background checks and testing to make sure that you are protected.

Apostille Certification

No, California notaries cannot issue apostille certifications. Apostille certification is handled by the California Secretary of State's office. You can request an apostille for documents signed by California public officials, including notaries, through the Secretary of State's office.

We believe in quality customer service. We've worked with most of the best
local attorneys.


Short notice, last minute and mergency notarizations welcome! We believe in quality customer service.

This is what we do and why most people call us.  We get the job done.

We are experienced enough to get the job done, but small enough to care.

“Monterey Bay's Helping Notary is happy to visit you anywhere that is convenient for you.”